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Product Update

Get Preventive and Curative Control of Grubs, Ants  and Other Turf Insect Pests with Meridian Insecticide

Meridian® insecticide is a proven leader for preventive and curative control of soil and foliar pests such as  chinch bugs, ants, grubs and other surface feeders. Applied foliarly or as a soil application, it provides pest  protection in a wide range of areas including lawns and landscape ornamentals such as bedding plants,  trees and shrubs.

Curative White Grub Control

The active ingredient in Meridian, thiamethoxam, moves  systemically throughout plants to provide curative control  of white grubs and to quickly prevent damage to turf.

Additionally, Meridian is metabolized slowly in the leaf tissue  for long-lasting control.

•When used as a curative treatment, Meridian should be  watered in within 24 hours of application to move the  product into the root zone.
•White grubs that contact or ingest Meridian are affected  and mortality occurs quickly to prevent further turf damage.
•Meridian controls grubs through the second instar (July  through August), reducing the need to purchase an  additional and expensive curative product.
•The same curative grub application of Meridian is also  effective on pyrethroid-resistant chinch bugs.

Prevent More Pests with Less Effort

Meridian also provides preventive control for lawn care  operators. Even if there is no rain or irrigation for up  to seven days after application, Meridian maintains

its efficacy in the soil, making it an effective preventive  control option

Click Here to Read More About Meridian Application